
Deadline is Friday! Last chance to submit your work for We Suck At Comics, Volume Two!

We have some amazing submissions for We Suck At Comics, Volume Two thus far, but there is still time to get yours in!!!!

This Friday, November 17th is the last day for submissions for We Suck At Comics, Volume Two. The theme is Coloring Outside The Lines and we are looking for comics, prose, and artwork. Think you’ve got something cool? Then we would love to see it!

Running out of time? Deadline is almost here

Not sure exactly what we are looking for? Then why not take a closer look at the We Suck At Comics, Volume Two submission guidelines? Not only can you see what we are looking for, but you can even see some of Volume One to get the flavor of what we like.

Worried we might not like your stuff because it is a little offbeat? Never fear! We Suck At Comics is looking to be inclusive, so send us traditional and nontraditional material. Everyone is welcome here!

Hope to see your submissions for We Suck At Comics Volume Two!

- The Wayward Raven Crew

NYCC 2023 is here! New York Comic Con 2023, here we come!

It’s finally time for NYCC!!!!!

We are pumped to be back again for our tenth year at New York Comic Con 2023! NYCC was the first show we ever did, so this is also our ten year anniversary. Wanna help us celebrate? Then drop by booth 4336 to tell us “bird’s the word” and we’ll give you a little something special.

What’s so special about NYCC 2023?

You mean besides the fact that it is where this all started for us?!?!?!? Geez…you’re a tough crowd. Well, you’ve probably heard us say it before, but we are going to repeat it anyway. New York Comic Con is our favorite show of the year!

Why you may ask? Well, for soooooo many reasons. First, we get to see all our friends at one show. NYCC always brings so many of the people we have met over the years here and at other shows. There aren’t a lot of other cons that can claim the same. Also it’s close to home, so it is easy for us all to attend. And finally, we simply love being goofy in New York. Don’t believe us, then look at the shenanigans below…

Last year we caught Jeff sleeping on the job…

Loading in during a pandemic year! You can’t tell, but we are screaming with excitement.

An oldie, but a goodie…

OK, maybe I’ll stop by, but only if you have cool stuff...

Certainly! We always have cool stuff. You might have seen seen our Kickstarter last year for We Suck At Comics, Volume One. Well since it was really successful, now you can pick up a copy…and sign up to get notified about Volume Two!!!!!

Or you could just click that link. That’ll do it too.

Coming soon to a Kickstarter near you!!!!

Hope we see you all at NYCC this year! We’ll be waiting to say hello at booth 4336. Thanks!

-The Wayward Raven Crew

We may be going to Plastic City Comic Con, but don't call us phony!

Or Barbie. We Ken-not take that, not at all. We would take her convertible though. And maybe the dreamhouse, but only if it fits in the trunk.

Riding in style to Plastic City Comic Con 2023

Ok, enough silliness! What’s this about a city made of plastic?!?

Plastic City Comic Con isn’t a city made of plastic. It’s a comic book convention! Which isn’t made of plastic either, now that we think about it…hey, I bet that guy’s arm can really stretch. Like that other guy, made of plastic. What’s his name again..?


Sorry, we get distracted sometimes. The point here is that we will be at Plastic City Comic Con on Saturday, August 19th for one day only!!! Mostly, that’s because the show is only one day, but that’s really not the point here.

And the point is then?

The point here is that you can find us at booth 110 on the show floor from 10-5 on Saturday. We will have our brand, spanking new anthology, We Suck At Comics, Volume One, front and center. Naturally, we will have a ton of other comics and a bunch of Alex’s fresh artwork. And what would a show be without Mark’s top secret beverage? Yeah, we’ll have plenty of that too!

Seriously, don’t poke that bear…

So fly on down to 100 Game On Way in Fitchburg, MA and tell us “bird’s the word!” We will make sure you don’t regret it. Or that you will. Either way, we promise you’ll have fun!

See you soon!

-The Wayward Raven Crew

It would be terrific if you visited us at Terrificon!

It would also be tremendous, stupendous, and even prodigious! So seriously, come hang out with us at TerrifiCon Mohegan Sun. You don’t have to drop a bundle at the tables, instead, pick one up at ours!

Yeah, so? Whaddya got?

Great question! We will have our brand new anthology, We Suck at Comics, Volume One, available. In fact, we should still have some stickers and pins left from the campaign. You’ll have to get one quickly though, we don’t know how long the supplies will last!

We promise, only the title sucks. Everything else is awesome!

Well, maaaaaaybe I’ll stop by…

Cool, we would love to see you! If you do drop in to see us at Terrificon, you can find us at Booth E10 in Artist Alley at Mohegan Sun. Not sure exactly where that is? Then take a look at the map!

We seem to be surrounded by arrows…

Anything else I should know?

Just that we will be accepting submissions for We Suck At Comics, Volume Two. We had such a great response, that we can’t wait to do it again. Wanna know more? Then check out our blog post for more info.

Thanks, hope we see you at TerrifiCon!

-The Wayward Raven Crew