
Deadline is Friday! Last chance to submit your work for We Suck At Comics, Volume Two!

We have some amazing submissions for We Suck At Comics, Volume Two thus far, but there is still time to get yours in!!!!

This Friday, November 17th is the last day for submissions for We Suck At Comics, Volume Two. The theme is Coloring Outside The Lines and we are looking for comics, prose, and artwork. Think you’ve got something cool? Then we would love to see it!

Running out of time? Deadline is almost here

Not sure exactly what we are looking for? Then why not take a closer look at the We Suck At Comics, Volume Two submission guidelines? Not only can you see what we are looking for, but you can even see some of Volume One to get the flavor of what we like.

Worried we might not like your stuff because it is a little offbeat? Never fear! We Suck At Comics is looking to be inclusive, so send us traditional and nontraditional material. Everyone is welcome here!

Hope to see your submissions for We Suck At Comics Volume Two!

- The Wayward Raven Crew

Submissions for We Suck At Comics: Volume 2 are now open!

Did you miss out on getting your work into We Suck At Comics: Volume 1? Well, no worries! Now you can submit your stuff for Volume Two!


Sweet! How does it work?

Simple. We are looking for completed stories that fit the theme Coloring Outside The Lines. We are accepting only finished works, but they can be comics, prose, or artwork.

As far as the theme itself, we are going to give you a fair amount of latitude here. Messy pages and broken panels are not a prerequisite (but don’t let that stop you either). In fact, we are looking to see how imaginative you can be with the theme! The most important thing is submitting quality materials.

This will be a paid gig!

Sweeeeeeeet, tell me more!

So what do I do if I want to send my work in?

That’s easy too! Just head on over to our submissions page and fill out all the fields. Once we have your submission, we will get back to you promptly.

What kinds of materials can I send?

Another great question! We are looking for comics, prose (you know, comics without pictures - lol), and artwork. You can send us:

  • Comics up to 25 pages

  • Prose up to 2500 words

  • Up to five pieces of single page/image artwork

Sounds pretty simple…

We try our best to make things easy. If you would like more info, just click the below and read all about it. We can’t wait to see what you send us!

-The Wayward Raven Crew