
Terrific Time At Terrrificon

It was terrific to see you all!

Is Alex “voguing” or did he just see John Travolta somewhere?

A huge shout out to everyone who stopped by to see us at Terrificon! We had an amazing time as always! One could say it was…Terrific!

We figured this would be a good place to show off some of those pics of friends, enemies and ever random cosplayers (maybe even all three in one - you decide). We’ll put them all in here next, but first…

Less than two days left to support Napoleon’s Starship!

We are funded!!!!!! Better get in before it goes away…less than two days left to be part of our most recent Kickstarter. We’ve got some cool new add-ons and stretch goals too!!!

Ok, back to some of our Terrific photos

Thanks again to everyone who made it a great show!

-The Wayward Raven Crew

Kickstarter Projects we back this week, part three

Still putting our money where our mouth is, part three!

We love to back indie comics. Or indie books. Or indie of any kind. Hell, if you put “indie” in the title, we’ll probably back it!

You want the proof? You can’t handle the proof! Lol! No seriously, here it is.

So while we run this Kickstarter campaign of our own, we’re showing off the projects we’ve been backing. Haven’t see our project yet? Why not check out Napoleon’s Starship while you are here?

So without further ado, first up is…

Impure Blood

Impure Blood is a steampunk saga that has been going on for 15 years! Creator Nathan Lueth has been in the game for a while now, so you know he can deliver! The campaign also features a really cool anniversary box that is a must have!

The Story: Dubbed the "Abomination" because of his appearance, enslaved gladiator, Roan, carries within his human body the blood of a mystical and nearly extinct race known as the Ancients. He jumps at the prospect of freedom when a mysterious girl named Dara appears at his cell and offers him a chance at a new life in exchange for his help.

You have to hurry for this one - only three days left in the campaign!

Back Impure Blood

Space Oddities Three

Space Oddities is described by the creator as Indiana Jones meets Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. I guess we better bring a bullwhip and a towel!

Space Oddities is an adventure/comedy story about the crew of the Aftosa; Jorge MacSanchez & Dirk. They are in the business of locating and procuring lost or “misappropriated” antiquities. A lucrative, if not stable, business until a young woman named Jhett Paxton suddenly becomes an unsolicited crew member. Jhett’s quest to find her mother will point them toward a fabled artifact of immense power and all the danger that comes with it.

Space Oddities looks like a fun romp across the galaxy! Wanna get a copy?

Back Space Oddities

And last, but not least, we have…

Blood and Corn, A Murder Mystery Comic

We’ll be honest, the name alone got us! Even more interesting, this is Henry Johnston’s first foray onto Kickstarter. Nothing is more indie than that. We’re in!

So what’s Blood and Corn about? Well, Moss Whitley once stood at the forefront of true crime journalism, publicly dedicating himself to exposing the dark secrets buried beneath the vile and twisted underbelly of the American Midwest in his overnight sensation podcast, BLOOD & CORN...

...And he saw some s#!t!

“nuff said!

Back Blood and Corn

Okay folks, you’ve got our recommendations…

Now go back ‘em!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feeling terrific about Terrificon 2024

It must be summer because we’ve got back to back weekends with comic conventions here in the Northeast and it is time for Terrificon 2024! If you couldn’t come see us last weekend at Wicked Con in Boston, then we hope you’ll swing by and see us at Terrificon 2024 this weekend.

Ok, so what will you have this weekend?

Well for one, the Kickstarter for Napoleon’s Starship is almost done (just ten days left as of writing), so if you come by and back it, we’ll give you a free comic!

Dance not necessarily included…

Of course, we’ll have tons of great comics , art, books and some freebies too. Naturally we are bringing plenty of Mark’s famous libations - it wouldn’t be a Terrificon (pun intended) without them.

Breaking the 4th, 5th and 6th walls!

Have you seen Alex’s Marvel Jesus yet? If not, you have to come pick one up while we still have them. We almost sold out at Wicked Con!

Sounds awesome! Where can I find you?

Great question! When you get to Terrificon, you can find us in Artist Alley at booth G9. Don’t forget to tell us “Bird’s the Word!”

Final Plea

If you haven’t backed it yet, please consider supporting Napoleon’s Starship on Kickstarter. We are 81% funded with less than 10 days left!

Thanks for considering Napoleon’s Starship. See you at Terrificon 2024!

Pretty pleeeeeeeease!!!!!