
Submissions for We Suck At Comics: Volume 2 are now open!

Did you miss out on getting your work into We Suck At Comics: Volume 1? Well, no worries! Now you can submit your stuff for Volume Two!


Sweet! How does it work?

Simple. We are looking for completed stories that fit the theme Coloring Outside The Lines. We are accepting only finished works, but they can be comics, prose, or artwork.

As far as the theme itself, we are going to give you a fair amount of latitude here. Messy pages and broken panels are not a prerequisite (but don’t let that stop you either). In fact, we are looking to see how imaginative you can be with the theme! The most important thing is submitting quality materials.

This will be a paid gig!

Sweeeeeeeet, tell me more!

So what do I do if I want to send my work in?

That’s easy too! Just head on over to our submissions page and fill out all the fields. Once we have your submission, we will get back to you promptly.

What kinds of materials can I send?

Another great question! We are looking for comics, prose (you know, comics without pictures - lol), and artwork. You can send us:

  • Comics up to 25 pages

  • Prose up to 2500 words

  • Up to five pieces of single page/image artwork

Sounds pretty simple…

We try our best to make things easy. If you would like more info, just click the below and read all about it. We can’t wait to see what you send us!

-The Wayward Raven Crew

What has been happening with Wayward Raven Media in October?

October has been an adventure!

Wow, October has been a busy month for these rogue birds!

We had a very successful New York Comic Con (NYCC) where we launched Lux Prismatica, got to catch up with a ton of old friends and welcomed a new place on the show floor!

Our schedule even tires our friends out! Don’t worry Jeff, we wouldn’t dare take funny pictures of you if you fall asleep at our booth…

What else is new this October?

And then we went ahead and launched a Kickstarter campaign two weeks later! Clearly, we either love this stuff or are gluttons for punishment (hint: it is the first one).

As of writing, We Suck at Comics is:

  • 80% funded

  • Was selected as a Project We Love by the Kickstarter Staff

  • Has over 100 backers

It has been such a successful October that we hated to see it leave! But depart it must. Fear not though, kind supporters for November holds much promise.


What about November?

Next month we will be at Rhode Island Comic Con from 11/4 -11/6. We have a spot on the convention show floor, booth 220. But what are we bringing with us to RICC? We’re glad you asked!

For starters, since our Kickstarter will still be going on until the 17th of the month, we will be offering on-the-spot rewards! Anyone who pledges at our booth will receive immediate gratification in the form of either comics or artwork!

If you’ve ever met us at a convention, you know that Mark always brings his super secret homebrews. This year he has something completely new - homemade hot sauce! 

Goes great with everything! Chicken, pork, cereal…whatever, don’t judge us.

Mark made several varieties that he will give away for free with purchase.

They include:

  • Bourbon, brown sugar habanero 

  • Raspberry habanero

  • Pineapple halepeno/fresno/pablano

  • Halepeno/pablano


One more thing…

And finally, we have added some new rewards to our ongoing KS campaign. We are humbled that so many of the limited Wayward Raven packages have been snatched up (currently only 8 left!) that we decided to add three new reward tiers. They include The Ascendant and Damn Heroes books. 

Let’s smash that Kickstarter goal!

Since we are so close to hitting goal, we will be announcing our stretch goals soon. Keep an eye out for more updates!

Thank you all so much for making this an amazing October! We truly appreciate you all and your contribution to making us successful!

We Suck At Comics Anthology Kickstarter Launches Today!

In case you haven’t seen anything from us in a while (damn you, Facebook algorithm!), have been living under a rock, or just plain ignoring us (which we can hardly blame you for), you might not have seen that we are launching a Kickstarter for our new Anthology,

We Suck at Comics: An Anthology Live on Kickstarter

Kickstarter Launched!

We Suck at Comics: An Anthology is now live on kickstarter!

Well, launch day is now upon us!!!!!

So what the hell is it about? We Suck at Comics! is a huge compendium of comics, artwork, and prose from a ton of amazing artists and writers. It will be over 300 pages of incredible content, much of which has never been seen in publication before.

You can get to the preview link (or the live page if you are viewing this after 4:00 PM EST), which is currently live below

The theme for volume one of the anthology is Rejection. We asked everyone for their stories about rejection or those that had been passed over for a whole number of reasons like the timing was wrong or it wasn’t the format the publication was seeking. 

We want to emphasize, these are good stories by fantastic creators, not just stuff they picked up off the scrap heap and sent to us. Our goal if to give those stories their deserved due, a second life if you will. 

We are really hoping to showcase the talent of so many amazing artists and authors and allow them to take their deserved time in the spotlight. Please join us in celebrating wonderful ideas and stories!


The Wayward Raven “Sucky” Crew