Soaring at the Capital City – Hartford Comic Con 2014 Wrap Up
The Wayward Birds spent a successful two days in Connecticut’s capital this past weekend, thoroughly enjoying our time at the Hartford Comic Con 2014. It was the first year for the convention and the fans turned out in droves on Saturday. They made a solid showing on Sunday too. We were fortunate to meet so many fans from one of the three states we call home. It was an encouraging sight to see how many of our neighbors have the same passion for comics that we do. We loved talking about all the places we jointly frequent (like Danny's Drive In in Stratford).

At night we enjoyed the sights of downtown Hartford. The folks from Station did and art night at the local tobacconist aptly named The Tobacco Shop, so how could we say no to some great comic book art and a cigar?

We also experienced Hartford’s City Steam Brewery. Mark and Alex insisted on getting flights to sample each of the local brewer’s offerings. Mark was partial to the Pugnacious Porter and the Hop Ness Monster, although he found it difficult to top Mr. Page’s Private Reserve #2. Alex concurred, giving the beer a five out of five.
Will we do HCC again? Certainly! A wonderful time was had by all and we look forward to being able to say we were in on it from the beginning as the show grows. Until next year, enjoy the pictures.
Hope you’ll stop and see us at NYCC Special Edition in New York City’s Javitt Center and NY Comic Fest in White Plains in two weeks.
UPDATE: The Unintentional Wino [] did a really cool video on Hartford Comic Con 2014. Guess who shows up at 2:51?
-The Wayward Raven Crew