Free Comic Book Day Photos and a Special Thanks to Alternate Universe

We would like to take a moment to say a word of thanks to our friends over at Alternate Universe in Milford, CT. The folks over there were nice enough to host Mark and Josh for Free Comic Book Day, letting us set up shop in the store and share our books with the crowd. It's that kind of good will that makes the comic book industry special and makes us happy and humbled that we can be a part of it (BTW, Josh wants you to know that he is squatting in this photo and isn't four feet tall). If you haven't stopped by the shop (or the one in New Haven), we wholeheartedly suggest that you do. They are the the same folks who bring you ComiCONN, a true comic book convention. We had a blast there last year and are looking forward to going again this year! Here are a few photos from FCBD. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and made the day special and fun!

If you get a moment, we sure would appreciate you taking a peek at our Kickstarter for Signed C: the missing. Only 18 days left with about $650 before it gets fully funded. Just click the link above or the picture below.