Wayward Raven Media

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Creator Profile - Devin Desir Sucks At Comics

As part of our ongoing series in the leadup to launching our next Kickstarter for We Suck At Comics: Volume Two, we will be highlighting…

Devin Desir!

Devin is a nineteen year old comic creator, artist and musician. He also goes by Artimoltros as an artist and Dub.ble as a music producer. His primary music genre is dubstep., but makes whatever interests him.

Devin’s story for We Suck At Comics: Volume Two is his take on a shonen battle manga if it happened in Atlantis. The little mermaid movie was one of his favorite movies as a kid, so you will no doubt see how he drew inspirations from the movie.

Here’s a little peek:

Wanna see more of Devin’s work? Here you go!

Instagram - artimoltros

Twitter - Artimoltros

Newgrounds https://artimoltros.newgrounds.com

You definitely need to follow this rising young star! And don’t forget to check out the Kickstarter campaign either!