We Suck at Comics: Volume 2 - Coloring Outside The Lines
Coloring Outside the Lines
Our Kickstarter for the We Suck at Comics: Volume Two has launched! Please show us your support by backing the project.
Some of you folks might remember V1 and all the amazing stories we had around the theme of rejection. Well, now we're back and the theme is Coloring Outside The Lines!
We Suck at Comics: Volume Two has over 200 pages of comics, art and story from 26 different creative teams. And this time we're doing it hardcore...er, um, sorry, we meant in hardcover. Yes, that's it. The book will be a hardcover.
We try not to take ourselves (or anything, for that matter) too seriously, in case you haven't picked up on that by now. But that doesn't mean this book is a joke. We Suck At Comics is chock full of amazing artists stretching the boundaries of comics on a host of different issues and themes from the very serious to the silly.
Are you looking for something different from the same old, same old? Do you appreciate multiple perspectives and new ways of seeing things? Do you love great art and story?
Wanna see some of it? Of course to do!
Euphoria by Daniel Stalter and Elioh Kortsarz
Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll! With the help of a psychedelic, Alix finds himself outside of his own reality for the first time. His adventure makes him realize that he is in love with Warren, but wonders if it will survive "the trip."
Daniel Stalter
Elioh Kortsarz
The Visitor, by Tim McEwen
Its not every day you get a surprise visit from your god...and he wants to chat.
Tim McEwen
Wastes of Chit-NuBrang by Will Murray and Cesar Madarro
The Wastes of Chit-NuBrang is retro 1930s pulp science fiction yarn, but told with an 1950s EC comics sensibility. Even better, it is illustrated in an over-the-top style reminiscence of 1960s Underground comix!
Will Murray
Miseria Loves Company by Josh Gorfain
What happens when a suicidal straight and narrow police detective meets the Goddess of Despair? Will she lead him down the primrose path or can he regain his old form?
Josh Gorfain
Myriad's World of Colors by Keiko MLA
Life in Rainbow City is divided. Even though the city has every color of the rainbow, if you are caught outside of your borough, you are arrested. Everything is normal until delivery boy Cyan (and his loyal robotic friend BOOP) meet Myriad, a foreign girl of many colors. The problem? Foreigners aren't allowed in Rainbow City. And Cyan is outside of his borough...
Keiko MLA
Spells From Beyond The Shore by Ariel Finkle
In Spells From Beyond The Shore a young magicless woman resides in an enchanted neighborhood. What will she do when she is suddenly attacked by a magic from the deep?
Ariel Finkle
Huracán by Rafael Tavares
A girl in her worse moment finds herself in a cavern with the Taino God Huracán. Will she survive the storm?
Alas, poor Yorick.
Surrounded by Death by Johnny C
A tale within a tale! Johnny's piece is a standalone story pulled directly from his series Surrounded By Death and is illustrated by a completely different artist from the main series. A number of interesting themes are explored such and love and friendship (during the end of days no less!) and is punctuated by an encounter with a mime struggling with mental health issues. We promise this one has a bit of everything!
Dragon Runners by Sebastian Bonet
Dragon Runners is about three explorers in a dystopian wasteland looking for treasure in the ruins of the old world.
Fraternaphobia: Give Strife A Chance by Mark C. Frankel and Alexander Sapountzis
What happens when Ares' sons Phobos and Deimos take over the family business and peace breaks out? Daddy might not know best, but Auntie Eris sure does!
Alex Sapountzis (left) and Mark C. Frankel (right) shown here being told that they suck at more than just comics.
Bloodmoone by Anna Heireth
Bloodmoon is She's tired of all the bullsh*t and has a penchant for wielding an axe (a deadly combination). She doesn't conform to traditional standards of beauty or femininity, and she's not afraid to express her individuality through her appearance. Beware!
Soul Custody by AA Rubin
Soul Custody follows a young girl as she prepares for a reunion with her long absent father. What will she discover when she sees him?
Painting By Numbers by Roy Huteson-Stewart
Painting By Numbers is a 4-page story about the lack of "artistry" in the mainstream art world. We begin at a party hosted by Grant's art professor...
Battle Mermaid by Devin Desir
Battle Mermaid is a Shonen battle manga if it were set in Atlantis. Unfortunately for the Atlanteans, the princess is missing and they are being invaded.
Part of the Clouds by L.M. Beuthe
Part of the Clouds plays with the boundaries of both the comic panels and of reality. Five days worth of rain leads up main character on a fun journey of juxtaposition of imagery, leading to surprises.
Stardust the Wizard by Claudio Ghirardo and Tom Lynott
Stardust the Wizard is a beautifully done story, created using loose watercolors. There are no borders, twisted human forms and simplified backgrounds inspired by the Abstract Expressionist movement.
Marauder for the Night by Christoff Rodriguez and Gregory Floch AKA William Dedock
Between life and death there are an infinity of colors, the spectrum expands and contracts, even distorts... In Marauder from The Night a bloodthirsty warrior is brought back from the afterlife by performing a dark ritual. But will the blood still be red before his lifeless eyes?
Christoff Rodriguez
The elusive Mr. Dedock
The Hunting by Ed Stover
A mob assassin is arrogantly hunting his quarry. But who is truly hunting who?
Train a Comin' by John Escobales
In Train a Comin' two guys are playing a very long game of tug of war. One is finally tired of telling the other he doesn’t want to play anymore. His solution is natural, but unconventional, in today’s “what can you do?” state of mind.
A Brief History of Lambda Mu by Ben Humeniuk
A Brief History of Lambda Mu is a documentary about the celebrated and mysterious indie comics creator who, through concealing everything about their identity outside of their talent, brought about a sea change of diversity in North American comics. In bringing new voices and stories into the scene, they literally expand the boundaries of what comics can do!
Be Kind to your Mother by Robert Sodaro and Michael Grassia
Be Kind To Your Mother is an illustrated prose piece with an ecological and indigenous American theme. Best of all, this story about our green planet also includes an indigenous werewolf!
Ideal Bounds by James and Jeanette Lynch
Ideal Bounds is about rebellion! With creativity banned, what little creative thought left exists only as censored copies or as contraband bought and sold by those who wish to cling to the old world.
Fly Man by Backroom Comics - Noah Kramer, Andrew Divittorio and Brian Benavides
Fly Man is about an entomologist who attempts to use bugs to forcefully give himself superpowers in order to become famous as part of a superhero team the League of Unity. Unfortunately, he quickly learns this is a no fly zone.
Time for Murder by John Taloni
Stuck in a time loop, the anonymous protagonist faces death at the end of each day. His killers are a different person every time. Some talk of the atrocities he will commit if left to live. Until one day the killer misses...and it is time for revenge!
Various Artwork by Geoff Mosse
Geoff's artwork here is designed to push boundaries and try out some fun, experimental concepts and designs. His sketchbook is full of ideas that "color outside the lines!"
The world's smallest photobomb is happening in the background. We think he might be flexing...
The world's smallest photobomb is happening in the background. We think he might be flexing...
Crayola Nostradamus by Glen Gortilla
This story is quite literally about coloring outside the lines! A father, whose daughter has a penchant for telling the future with her crayons, finds himself going to his highly combustible job with a Crayola warning from his progeny.